German Sherperd

              GERMAN SHEPHERD
  The German Shepherd Dog(GSD) are working dogs which were originally developed for herding sheep. This was due to their exquisite sense of intelligence, obedience, strength and their trainability.

  These breeds are preferred due to their workability such as acting, search and rescue, disability assistance, police and military roles.


Research shows that they had the ability to learn simple tasks just after five repetitions and have a 95% obedience to the first command given. They are also able to quickly learn and interpret various tasks and instructions.


They have a willingness to learn and have a purpose. They are curious and could become over- protective of their territory and family.


1. During hot weather, provide plenty water and shade. They drink a lot

2. Be a master to your dog. This could make your bond stronger by teaching the dog tricks thereby making them to likely listen to your commands.

3. Give them a lot of space. You can take them for a walk if you don't have a big yard

4. Feed him/her twice per day with the right amount(not too little/much) and with quality food.

5. Bathe your shepherd when you feel they need it. This shouldn't be done too often because it could disrupt their fun oils and natural skin.

6. Exercise the dog to make the muscles stay active.

7. Take your shepherd to the Vet for check-ups, bath, cutting of long nails(to aid movement) and de-worming.


* The median life span of German Shepherd is 10.95 years.

* German Shepherds are being used for tracking criminals, holding suspects, patrolling areas troubled and for drug detection.

* In the millitary, they are used to warn soldiers on the presence of enemies and detect booby traps.

* In WWII, they were used as rescue dogs, personal guards and messenger dogs


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